Wednesday, March 3rd
Avery has felt pretty good the past 2 weeks. The new nausea meds and short steroid round kept most(but not all) of her nausea at bay. She still had some stomach cramping, but the frequency and intensity were much improved from last time. In addition to schoolwork, she has enjoyed playing tennis, riding in the stroller for some long walks, a photoshoot, and riding her bike.
We went to clinic this morning to begin her 2nd cycle. Unfortunately, her platelets were too low to proceed. She didn't require a transfusion, but they decided to hold chemo until next Wednesday. Her body has been through so much the past 18 months, she is requiring longer and longer to recover between each cycle. She has only been able to receive 2 of the 3 drugs planned for this regimen so far. If she continues to struggle with recovery, we might not be able to start the Temozolomide at all.

Please continue to pray for:
- Count recovery
- No illness or infections
- Improvement or stability on her April 5th scans
God bless this amazing child. She is so courageous and has gone through more than most of us could begin to imagine. Prayers for count recovery, no illness or infections and for a great report on April 5.
Continued prayers for sweet Avery🙏🙏🙏
Praying for count recovery, no sickness or illness.
Praying for complete healing over Avery in Jesus' name!
💗💙💚💛💜Good Morning Avery, love your pink bike and helmet, you look like spring is on it's way!! Praying for Count recovery
- No illness or infections
- Improvement or stability on her April 5th scans , love have a great week end