Sunday, September 22nd
Our first night back in was a rough one. Between constant vitals, trying to get her to take meds, one vomiting episode, and fighting a fever, there was very little sleep for anyone.
Her platelet numbers were low so she got a platelet transfusion overnight. Her overnight labs showed that the other blood counts had dropped as well and her platelets were still lower than they would like. So we began the day early with a blood transfusion(3-4 hrs) followed by another platelet transfusion. This seemed to do the trick as it wasn’t too long afterwards that we started seeing signs of the sweet girl we know! She played card games with Shon and even managed to let a few smiles slip out late in the morning.

When the team came by for rounds, they explained that there were no signs of a bacterial infection so far, but her ANC was zero meaning she had absolutely no way to fight off anything she came in contact with. They also let us know that we wouldn’t be going home anytime soon and to prepare to be here most of the week.
The long night before finally started taking its toll leaving us with a cranky and uncooperative kid for the rest of the day/night. An hour and a half standoff finally ended with her taking her meds for me. I’m pretty certain she’s going to be a world class hostage negotiator when she grows up.
She transformed back into a sweet angel right before bed. She quickly fell asleep and is resting peacefully.
Please continue to pray for:
- No more fever
- Her ANC to increase
- Her blood counts to remain where they need to be without additional transfusions
- Rest
- Increased appetite(she hasn’t eaten anything in a couple of days)
God’s comfort and answered prayers to sweet Avery and mama and daddy
We pray for you all daily. My Mom and Dad (Ralph and Sibyl Edmondson) were the best of friends with Shon’s grandparents, Eljo and Ila Vae. We have you on our churches prayer lists and we want you to know we are checking to see what specifically needs to be prayed for. Much love to you all, but a special virtual hug for Avery. #brAvery
I have been praying for Avery and will continue to do so! May God strengthen you all!
Prayers for healing, rest for all, improved, smiling attitude toward meds, etc, appetite, improved #, and for the medical team. Also for an angel on every shift that she can relate to for giving meds. So hard on parents to be the "bad guy" in the meds area.
She is a beautiful little girl, and I pray that she continues to do well! While this is hard for her, I am sure it is doubly so for you and for Shon! Continued prayers for all!
"Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you . . .
Do not be afraid, for I am with you . . ."
Isaiah 43:4-5 NIV