Monday, October 14th
Thankfully, Avery was able to rest pretty well last night. It is the first decent night of rest she has had in a while. She slept through all vital checks and meds. She spiked a temp of 101.5 in the middle of the night. Every time she has a temperature, they do blood cultures. Everything has come back negative with no growth so far.
Very early this morning , her blood sugar dropped to 55. They were able to give her 20mL of Gatorade through her NG tube to bring it back up. This was the only thing that woke her, and she was not happy at all for a few minutes! This should not be an issue once she is back on her nutrition.
Her platelets, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were all within the expected range so no transfusion were needed today. Her ANC remains at zero for now. She has had a lot more pain today due to the mucositis in her mouth and throat. They have increased her morphine to every 3 hours to help relieve the pain. Her mouth is very swollen and has sores inside making it painful to talk, eat or swallow. Unfortunately, other than managing the pain, the only thing to get rid of the mucositis is to wait for her ANC to rise so it will resolve on its own.
We slowly started her feeds back this morning and should be back at her goal rate by tomorrow morning. Luckily, she has continued to not have any nausea or vomiting episodes. She even managed to eat a few small bites of ice cream today.
She spent the majority of the day watching videos and making a batch of slime. She is completely zapped of energy, so there are not many other things she feels like doing. She finally succumbed to her exhaustion and took a 6 hour nap this afternoon/evening.

Please continue to pray for:
- No more fever
- ANC to begin rising
- Better pain management
Thanking God today that Avery hasn’t had anymore nausea or vomiting. Also thankful she was able to eat even a few bites of ice cream. Praying this precious one will soon be over the issue she is having with the mucositis. So sad for all this precious child is having to endure. Also, prayers for the family because I can only imagine the pain in their hearts for sweet Avery. God bless and I will continue to pray for a miracle.
Praying for pain to cease and ANC to rise and no more fever. God bless this child and please God heal this sweet little Avery. I think of you when i wake up and think of you when i lie down for bed and have my special prayer time. Love to all the family and God be with all of you.
Praying for your sweet baby to feel better. Prayers for strength for your family! Love you!
Praying for all of you. Hang in there momma and thank you for keeping us updated. ❤️
God love her little heart. Avery and you are always on mind. Please know that I am praying fervently for everything you specifically ask us all to pray about. It’s heartbreaking seeing these pictures of tiny Avery. She’s so strong and truly brave while going through all that she is. My heart and prayers go out to you.