Wednesday, October 16th
Avery started off the day getting sick a couple of times due to all the mucus sitting in her throat and stomach. They were able to try a couple of different meds throughout the day to finally get it under control.
Her platelets were in the 30s which meant she needed a transfusion today. Her ANC had climbed to 480, so we are finally headed in the right direction. Her blood cultures continue to show no growth, so we shouldn't have to be on daily antibiotics when we go home. We stopped IV fluids and started her on a phosphorus supplement. We will continue the supplement twice a day at home to keep her levels in check. She also received her last dose of chemo for this cycle, Vincristine.
Her labs showed that she wouldn't be ready for stem cell harvesting tomorrow, but they will redraw the labs at 4am, and hopefully we will be good to go for Friday. If everything goes well, we will be transferred to the bone marrow unit tomorrow night and then get to go home Friday after pheresis. They reduced the frequency of her morphine today, and plan to move to a medicine that can be given through her tube tomorrow as we completely wean her. She mouth and throat are slowly healing, so hopefully she will free of pain very soon.
Avery was deaccessed this afternoon around 2. She didn't put up too much of a fight, but there was a lot of screaming. While she was "free" she was able to take a much needed 30 minute bubble bath. After bath, we applied the numbing cream and waited for it to take affect. Unfortunately, she fell asleep while we waited, so we had to wake her 20 minutes into her nap to reaccess her. This time there was definitely a fight! They managed to get the job done quickly, and we all walked away unscathed(I think). She was extremely angry and went back to sleep for a few hours... she even slept through the visit with her Daddy.
It was a long day which included an 8 hr work day, 3 baths(2 for her, 1 for me) and 4 loads of laundry. We are hoping for a restful night tonight!

Please continue to pray for:
- Pain to subside and mucositis to heal
- Stem cell harvesting to take place on Friday
- A fun weekend at home before we start Cycle 3 next Wednesday
Prayers for a restful night for all of you and for a good weekend ahead. Prayers for complete healing for sweet Avery.
Continuing to pray for complete healing! I trust you and Avery get restorative rest.
Always in my heart, on my mind, and in my prayers! We all love your precious Avery, and continued prayers for you all!♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏
Prayers continue for Avery and family and hope all goes well Friday and y'all make it home. Praying for all her needs to be met every day.
Glad to hear things are moving in the right direction. Hope you get to go home soon. Continued prayers for all of you. 🙏💕