Monday, November 25th
Avery had a fairly restless night(Sunday) again. She is struggling to sleep and crying out and tossing and turning when she does. She started getting sick shortly before bedtime, so they gave her a dose of Benadryl. This did seem to give her a couple of hours of decent sleep.
She woke up vomiting first thing this morning. A dose of Avitan helped get her nausea under control quickly, and she seemed to feel decent for most of the morning. She needed a blood transfusion today and a sodium phos bolus. Her potassium level which was of concern yesterday was on the high side of the normal range but still OK. Her ANC remains at zero.
Shortly before noon, she started getting extra cranky. When they checked, she had spiked a temp of 101. They gave her Tylenol to help. As the day progressed she got to feeling much worse. Her lack of quality sleep seemed to finally take its toll, and she was upset and inconsolable most of the afternoon. She tried to rest, but was so overtired that her body wouldn't let her. Late in the afternoon she spiked a temperature of 103. Since this was no longer considered low grade, they made the decision to start her back on the Vancomycin for at least 48hrs. They took new blood cultures to test as well.
She is currently tossing and turning on the couch beside me. I will move her to her bed later on tonight. Hopefully she can get a better night of rest than she has had the past few days.

Please continue to pray for:
- No more fevers
- ANC to rise
- Much needed rest
- No new complications
These especially hard days and nights I really pray hard for you both. If she is restless, I know you are as well! I send my love and hope for her temp to come down, peaceful sleep, and all the other things you mentioned. Hang in there Mom and Dad; He has this!
Bless her heart. I hope she’s able to get some rest today. Continued prayers for all of you. 💕
Prayers sent to sweet Avery for much needed rest and sleep!! Prayers for you all!!
Praying for God to give Avery much needed peaceful rest tonight and a much better day tomorrow with all side effects going away! 🙏🙏