Wednesday, September 23rd
Avery had a better night of rest Tuesday. She only woke with stomach pain once, and I was able to "vent" her g-tube which seemed to help a little. She also woke up hungry at 4am, but a quick snack of 5 goldfish satisfied her appetite.
We arrived at Clinic at 8:30. Avery's anxiety was high, and she was not happy to be back in the hospital so soon. She did good getting her blood pressure taken, but all cooperation stopped there. I don't blame her one bit, but it makes it awfully tough on all involved in her care. It took a good while for her to calm back down after getting her port accessed. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, except for Chaplain Paul. It never fails that he manages to get a smile out of her even on her worst days❤.
Her ANC was 3000, and her platelets were 75. Since she had just received platelets on Sunday, they couldn't be certain if those were her own platelets she produced or left over from the transfusion. She was so close to start chemo, but they decided to delay 2 more days to ensure she was as safe as possible starting this cycle.
We will go back to clinic on Friday morning for labs again and hopefully to be admitted for chemo. She will receive her first few days of chemo in the PICU this time to ensure her sodium can be watched very closely. If all goes well, she will transfer back to the oncology floor on day 3 or 4. She is still on sodium supplements(7 grams a day) 28 days out, so cytoxan induced SIADH along with cerebral salt wasting syndrome are their biggest concerns.
Despite the rough morning at clinic, she perked up the rest of the day, and played with her sisters. We started her back on her feeds, but also added in a daily dose of Omeprazole with the hope of easing her stomach cramping. So far, it seems to be working.

Please continue to pray for:
- No more nausea or stomach cramps
- Good counts to start chemo Friday
- Rest
- A fun day at home tomorrow
❤❤❤We were overwhelmed today by a generous gift from a total stranger. We wished we had been able to tell you thank you face to face. The outpouring of love and prayers we have experienced gives you a renewed faith in human kind, which is too often so difficult to find in the current world of turmoil and division we live in.
I have been following your blog about your amazing precious daughter! I want you and her to know that I battle in prayer daily for Avery! Our God hears our prayers and I am trusting Him with each day! I pray for you as you Feel every emotion your daughter has! I love you all in and through Christ! I am a former first grade teacher in Trussville. I just retired from 25 years in Trussville and God has pulled my heart toward Avery and I thank the Lord for the privilege of prayer on her behalf! Have a blessed day!
❤️❤️Julie Grogan
So happy to hear that she had a better night. Prayers for her to feel better and be prepared for her next hospital visit. Love her smiles and her strong will. She is such a trooper.🙏🙏🙏💗
Praying for no more nausea or cramps, good counts for chemo beginning Friday! And a fun day at home.
I am glad today went as well as it did, and I hope that the extra time at home will ready her for the chemo ahead. Congratulations on the gift, and praise God for strangers and love for our brothers and sisters. I am praying for all that you mentioned and so, so, so much more!
God bless you all! Dana