Monday, November 4th

Dear Avery,
I can't believe that you are 6 years old! It seems like just yesterday that they were placing a perfect 6 lb 9oz brown haired baby girl in our arms. Our hearts already seemed full of love before you were born, but they seemed to double in size to accommodate you!
At 6, you are silly, witty, loving, and stubborn. You love slime, Barbies, unicorns, games, bath bombs, crafts, and YouTube videos. Your absolute favorite thing to do is scare your Daddy! You will sit quietly in his closet every night just waiting to frighten him as he walks by. It has become a part of our nightly routine as you are never satisfied with just one scare. You love playing with your sisters as long as they do what you want and how you want it done. You love to be in charge(I have no idea where you get that from). You fall asleep each night with your head on my chest and your hand on my arm.
You were so excited to start Kindergarten this year! You were ready to learn all the things your sisters have learned. Although you aren't currently focused on ABCs and 123s, you are amazing us with how smart and attentive you are. You have learned about clamping lines, boluses, reflexes, blood counts, ANC. You sometimes even practice giving yourself a neuro exam. I often have to remind you that you are not a nurse and must leave the real medical work to the professionals.
Somehow through all you have endured, your childhood innocence has remained intact. You never ask "Why me?" You never pity yourself or question God's plan. You have remained so strong and selfless. While your Daddy and I would never wish this on anyone else, we want you to know that we would trade places with you in an instant.
When we celebrated your birthday tonight, you told us "This is the best birthday ever!" We wished we could have given you so much more. We should be at Disney riding rides, eating all the snacks, meeting all the princesses and watching fireworks every night. Instead we are packing and preparing to begin another round of chemo on Wednesday. We promise to give you the celebration you deserve as soon as your body is able!
We can all learn so much from you at age 6! You have taught us that physical appearance is temporary, and we should be confident just as we are. You have taught us it is OK to know what you want and not be afraid to voice it(although this sometimes makes things harder). You have taught us about unconditional love and forgiveness. And most of all, you have taught us that bravery and courage are not measured by the size of your body, but by the size of your heart!
We love you more than you'll ever know!
Mommy & Daddy

Glad you had a happy birthday! I am praying for you and I know that God has a plan for you just like he had one for me. He loves us and holds us in the palm of his big hand! He was with me when I was so sick and I know he is with you! Love that sweet doggie that visits you. I love you and pray for all the good things for you. Valarie Hubbard💕💕💕💕
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET PRETTY AVERY!! Still praying for God to heal your body. I love your strength, your courage and your strong will. With all that and GOD on your side and all of us friends and family lifting you up in prayer you will WIN THIS BATTLE!!! Love Tricia
What a sweet and heartfelt letter. ❤️ I too have know Avery since the day she was born and have witnessed the joy and love she’s brought to this family and friends. I continue to pray for all of you each and every day. 🙏💕
From the first day I read about Avery’s journey, she has been on my heart and mind and in my prayers. What an amazing little girl! Her smile melts my heart. So thankful she had a wonderful birthday. Praying for a good week for all.
Happy Birthday sweet Avery!!