Tuesday, September 8th
Last night seemed like a very long night. Avery was restless and cried out and whimpered all night with stomach cramps. Luckily she didn't have any more episodes of diarrhea. Nights here are often long and hard. Some nights you look at the clock and can't believe only an hour has gone by. The hours seem to pass so slowly. When the first hint of daylight starts peaking through the shade in the morning, you feel relief. You have survived another night, and things don't ever seem so bad during the day time.
Avery has remained fever free. Her platelets and hemoglobin were both good, so no transfusions were needed. Her ANC remains at 0. They added one med to help with the cramping, and it has allowed her to have some relief today.
She slept until around 11:30 this morning. A 6am dose of Benadryl for nausea knocked her out.
Avery felt better today than she did yesterday. She played with Legos, watched the iPad, and made slime. She got to spend some time with Art Therapy today starting a canvas for a new painting. Avery had so much fun! I can't wait to see the progress they make. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a little more relief and a few more smiles!

Please continue to pray for:
- No fevers
- No nausea or diarrhea
- ANC to begin to rise
Prayers for fever and other symptoms to Cease. Also, praying for a restful night for mom and Avery and praying for Shon and Averys sisters. Praying for Deb and Loyd and Lori Beths parents. It takes an army to WIN THIS BATTLE AND AVERY IS THE SARGANT!! KEEP UP THE FIGHT SWEET AVERY! Love ya pretty always smiling Avery! 💗
Love to read about Avery's good days, praying more and more with no fever, No nausea or diarrhea, and her ANC to come on up. Looking forward to her new painting. Love and prayers
Prayers the Son brings a bright day with healing rays from heaven so that Avery has a pain free day filled with laughter.
Prayers for you all, strength for you momma to make it from day to day. For Avery, fever free, diarrhea free and a restful nights sleep.