Monday, August 31st
Avery was resting well until it was time for her 12am sodium supplement. Immediately after they pushed it through her NG, she woke up vomiting. Luckily, we were able to catch it all in a bag and avoid clean up duties. They gave about 30 minutes for her stomach to settle before they tried to re-dose. This time she didn't wake up until she was already vomiting all over herself and the bed. We got her and the bed cleaned up, pushed some additional nausea meds, and let her sleep again. The third and final try was a success. I sat by her bed holding an emesis bag watching her like a hawk until about 2am. Thankfully she was able to keep it down this time
Due to slight dehydration from the vomiting, paired with the extra sodium, she woke up multiple times in the night requesting water. Her day time doses went a little better than the night ones, but not by much. She got sick 2 more times throughout the day. Because her levels are holding pretty well, they have spaced out her supplements to every 8 hours. Hopefully tomorrow we can spread them to twice or even once a day.
She had a good couple of hours this morning playing with Legos and visiting with some of the team that came by. She finally crashed for a much needed nap. Her nap was cut short by stomach cramps though.
The bright spot of her day was getting to go to the gift shop and spend a gift certificate that some sweet friends gave her. She got dressed and masked and walked all the way to the gift shop and back. She was too tired to walk down the hall to the big window(like we had been talking about all week), so I carried her down there to write her name. She showed off her goods to our nurse friends, and then she crashed in her room exhausted from all of the excitement.

She received her last 2 doses of chemo today which finished this Cycle. Now we wait for the chemo to do its job and for her to begin recovering. She will have a repeat brain and spine MRI on September 14th.
Pending no new issues or surprises, we should be going home tomorrow. It will be nice for us all to be able to sleep in our own beds and hopefully get some real rest.
Please continue to pray for:
- Significant response of disease to chemo
- Protection from illnesses and infections
- Restful night
- Complete healing
Lori Beth, may I have your mailing address to send something to Avery? Your home address as well as the hospital address. You can then update the room she is in for each hospitilization. I know James loves to get mail. Tell me some of the things she likes, able to receive. You mentioned a gift card. How best would out be to send something like that. I can't physically help you but I want to do something tangible for you, Avery, and your other little girls. I know this is hard on them as well. Please give me good suggestions. Every child is different as I well know from dealing with James. I can think he's going to lik…
Beautiful little angel!! Prayers and thoughts for you all. 🙏🙏🙏🙋♀️👨🏻🚒❤️❤️❤️🌻
Praying for her to tolerate all meds and that she will be able to replenish her fragile body with nourishment! Bravery strong!!
I am always amazed to see smiles on Avery’s sweet face. What a trooper she is. Please, God grant Avery and mom a good night’s rest. Also prayers offered up for the chemo to work to rid her little body of the cancer cells, for protection from any infections or illnesses, and for a miracle of complete healing.
Prayers for a restful night