Wednesday. December 30th
Avery received her second stem cell boost today and used the last of her frozen stem cells that were collected nearly a year ago. Despite finishing radiation 3 weeks ago, she is still struggling with her counts recovering on their own. She has been requiring 1-2 Neupogen injections a week to keep her ANC up, and she has required at least one platelet transfusion every week(even with a lower threshold). Hopefully this boost will have her recovered enough to begin chemo again in a few weeks.
Avery has been doing a great job in clinic every week. She has gotten her port accessed twice a week without a single whimper or complaint. She has pushed her own premeds for platelets, and she has done vitals like a champ. For her stem cell boost though, we had to go to an inpatient room upstairs(for a couple of hours), and that was enough to bring out all of her old anxieties and stress she associates with the hospital. It's tough seeing how easily her stress makes her regress(despite the fact that she feels good). Thankfully one of her favorite nurses came and visited which was a wonderful distraction while she received her boost.
Avery had weaned off of her steroids a week before Christmas, but she began having some nausea and vomiting again, so we have added them back in temporarily. We are hoping this is just due to some left over brain inflammation from radiation.
Avery has taken advantage of this time feeling good and lived it up just being a regular kid! She had a wonderful Christmas and has been playing with her sisters nonstop. She has been hiking, playing tennis, baking, and riding her sister's hoverboard as much as she can.
Her post radiation MRIs are scheduled for Monday, January 4th. Afterwards, she will likely have to go to clinic for platelets and/or blood, and we have a telehealth visit with our Radiation Oncologist. It will be a long stressful day for us all!
Please continue to pray for:
- Improved MRIs of the brain and spine
- No more nausea and vomiting
- Count recovery in order to begin the next chemo cycle
- Protection from illness and infections
Praise God for answered prayers! Tears of JOY for this wonderful report.
Protection from illness and infection, no more nausea and vomiting. improved MRI’s for next chemo cycle.
Continually praying over this incredible girl!! So happy she’s been having some fun ❤️
Always praying for sweet little Avery
The holidays are a good way for her to enjoy home and family, and I am happy she has done so well with her treatment! I know the family has loved her being home (mom too!!!) and I am praying for great results on the MRI, no more N&V, and increased energy and good days for you all!!! Many prayers and much love!!!