Thursday, May 21st
Avery had her first clinic appointment since BMT yesterday. She did great, and it was probably her best port access ever! We enjoyed getting to see some familiar faces as well! Her labs all looked good. Her ANC was 1370 and her platelets were in the 140s ...both slight increases from a month ago.
She is now officially off of all scheduled medicines with the exception of Bactrim on the weekends. We consulted with our team and Nutrition and have decided to try a more aggressive approach to get her off of the NG tube. We are going to try a couple of days with no feeds at all to see if her appetite will come back. We will still run water in her tube overnight to ensure she doesn't become dehydrated until she begins drinking more as well. Our goal is to have her eating and drinking fully on her own in less than a month.
Tomorrow is an important day! We will arrive at the hospital at 7:45 am for her brain and spine MRIs and lumbar puncture. Our fears and anxiety are extremely high right now. It is much different than in the beginning when we had no idea what was coming. We know that good results will bring a little relief and a couple of months without such great worry(but let's be honest, the worry will never go away). We know that poor results could result in surgery, radiation, and more chemo. Now we wait and pray that Avery remains cancer free!

Thank you Avery for giving us all that sweet smile. You encourage us as we read mom's notes. You are so brave!! Our love and prayers are daily for you and family.
What a blessing Avery has received, to GOD be the glory . I pray for her every night , I know you don’t know me but I’m friends with Deb and Loyd . I’ve been in your shoes and it is a blessing everytime you get a good report . May GOD truly heal Avery and put your family back to a normal life ❤️
Looking great Miss Avery. Thoughts, love, and prayers on your medical journey ahead. Mister Teddy looks like he is enjoying his ride. So many prayers for you and your family, stay safe, love
Daily prayers continue for Avery and all her family. Love that Beautiful smile that can brighten anyone’s day. Continued prayers for Complete healing and for the C word to stay away. Still praying this miracle keeps working. God is better than good he is GREAT. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💗💗
Avery is always in my prayers! Hoping and praying that all goes well with her tests tomorrow and that her appetite returns in the coming weeks. God bless you all. 🙏.