Thursday, January 23rd
Avery had a much better night last night. She slept a solid 13 hours, not waking up until after 10am this morning.
Her energy levels are really starting to dwindle. She will sit up and play for 5-10 minutes at a time before laying down to rest again. She's been on the verge of spiking a fever all day so she has been fighting chills. She is still battling some with vomiting and diarrhea, but not quite as bad as before. Her mouth is growing more sore and swollen, but she didn't require any pain medication today. Her skin is starting to turn a little red like a very slight sunburn, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her yet.
Her Cdiff culture came back positive, so they have started her on Flagyl. She'll get 4 doses a day for the next 10 days through her NG tube. She will remain on contact precautions meaning the staff must be gowned and gloved when they are in the room.
Thankfully, we were still able to get a few smiles from her today. I'm not sure if earning her prizes for completing her job chart or having her Unicorn poop out slime while the team was rounding was the highlight of the day, but they both made her smile.

Her big prize from Child Life was a 500+ piece Lego set and an Incredibles costume and doll. She was so proud(as were we) to achieve that milestone. She has come such a long way with complying and helping out the nurses since our journey began. She will starting working towards earning another prize tomorrow.

Her counts are starting to drop. They should bottom out in the next few days, and then she will begin the long climb back up. Tomorrow is Transplant Day!
Please continue to pray for:
- No more vomiting or diarrhea
- Protection of her liver and kidneys
- Pain control
- No reaction to the transplant