Tuesday, February 4th
Avery has finally migrated from the "I feel so bad you can do anything to me" phase to the "I still feel bad but now I'm angry" phase. We've seen this before, and it indicates another step towards recovery. It made for a long night last night though, as she wouldn't keep her leads on and kept fighting us when we tried to put them back on.
Her ANC was 1140 this morning, so we are definitely heading in the right direction. Her stomach pain and mouth pain are now being pretty well managed from her drips, and she only required a couple of extra boluses of each today.
She spent all day laying on the couch! This is normally where she resides during the day, but she has felt so bad, she has spent the past 7 days in the bed. This was another big step letting us know that she is turning a corner. She was able to catch up on some much needed rest today napping from about 10am to 3pm.

They had to place Avery's new NG tube tonight. They only felt comfortable allowing her to miss one dose of medicine today. They gave her a dose of Ativan and morphine to try to make her as comfortable as possible. They got the first tube placed only for us to realize that it was much shorter than her previous tube(at least 12 inches shorter). This resulted in the removal of the tube and insertion of the correct length tube. Avery coughed, screamed, gagged, and threw up during the placement both times. A quick chest x-ray showed that it was in the right place. They have started her feeds back at 5mL an hour to see how she will handle them. If she vomits at all, they will stop them completely and give her more time.
Her repeat CDiff culture came back negative. They also sent in cultures for adenovirus and enterovirus since she is still battling diarrhea.
She has remained fever free all day with her highest temp reaching 100.0
Please continue to pray for:
- Pain management
- Rest
- No more diarrhea and stomach pain
- No VOD
Father God, we are all so very thankful for all of the improvements in all Avery's readings. Thank you for her Mom, Dad, and precious sisters at home. They are all in a battle for sweet Avery's life. Please give Avery and Lori Beth healing rest, no fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea and no VOD. We claim healing for Avery. In Jesus name we pray, Amen
This transplant journey seems to be turning a corner. We give praise and ask for all Avery's needs to be met. May you all have rest today and maybe a few minutes of play with Legos soon. love and continued prayer all to go forward with more good reports
For every positive improvement for this sweet child we praise God. Continuing to pray for complete healing, a miracle from God!
Great news! Positive steps forward! Continued prayers for all of you. 🙏💕
Great news! Praying that she Continues to progress. 💝💝💖💖