Sunday, February 9th
Shortly after falling asleep last night, Avery woke up vomiting. They gave her some Benadryl to help the nausea which in return also helped her rest. She got another dose of Benadryl at 5:30 am prior to receiving platelets. This allowed her to rest until close to 9:00. It was the first decent night of sleep she has had in a while.
Her ANC was 1250 this morning, so no Neupogen was needed. The rest of her labs looked good as well. They took a small step down on her morphine drip. The goal is to continue to take very small steps down each day and be completely off of it around Thursday. We added back scheduled Benadryl every 8 hours to help combat any additional nausea.
The only time she vomited today was after she took her Actigall. The noon dose of Benadryl allowed her to take a nice long nap mid-day. She is feeling better but kept to herself most of the day. She was very excited to open some goodies that came in the mail though!

She did great on her vitals and mouth care today although you can tell her mouth is still pretty sensitive. She has a loose tooth that is ready to come out any day now with two others that are not far behind.
Tomorrow we will talk about possibly re-placing her NG tube and starting back on feeds. We know that we will be here at least through the end of the week, and then we will play it by ear. As much as we would love to be home, we know that we are exactly where Avery needs to be at this time, so we will continue to be patient.
Please continue to pray for:
- No more vomiting
- Tolerate nutrition and medicines
- No new complications
- Rest
Continued prayers for all of you. 💕🙏
Praying for Avery, mom and dad.
I pray and pray for all of you!
Lori Beth, you don't know me, but I have known your husband and in laws a long time. I admire your family's strength and God had a plan!
And by the way, happy birthday!
So glad to see she is improving day by day! She is a precious little girl!!! Prayers for continued steps toward her complete healing!🙏🙏