Tuesday, January 21st
Avery had a slightly better night last night. She did not vomit anymore and fell asleep quickly. She began having diarrhea at 2:30, so we had to get her up and to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Shortly after, she was back in bed and sound asleep. Her hemoglobin was low, so they transfused a unit of blood overnight. She also began running a temperature of 100.9. Her 4am bath was slightly delayed due to all that was going on, but we got it over as quickly as possible and had her back in bed by 4:45 am. She proceeded to sleep the rest of the morning, only waking at 10am for her next bath.

She was extremely tired today and spent the majority of the day sleeping. We did manage to sprinkle a few fun moments throughout the day though.
Avery received her Thioetpa and Etoposide which will possibly be her last chemos ever! She only vomited once today and has dealt with a few more bouts of diarrhea. Her mouth is starting to get a little puffy, and her throat is starting to get sore which are all signs of her impending mucositis. She spiked a 102 temperature this evening as well. The side effects of the chemo typically hit hard a few days after you’re finished, so we know we have some pretty rough days ahead.
We finished her 10pm bath and dressing change, so I'm hoping she can rest until 4am. We only have 3 more baths to go!!! Tomorrow is a scheduled day of rest(which we are looking very forward to).
Please continue to pray for:
- No more nausea or vomiting
- No more diarrhea
- No burns or skin irritation
- Protection of her liver and kidneys
- That this was her last chemo ever!!!
Avery is always on my heart and mind. Prayers continue for a miracle of complete healing for this precious one. The last chemo EVER is definitely a blessing. Now we will continue to pray for no more vomiting, nausea or diarrhea as well as protection for her organs from the harsh treatments. May you feel the peace of God surrounding you. Praying for rest for all of you and for those sweet sisters to get to see their baby sister feeling stronger very soon!
Big prayers today and complete protection of Avery's little body!
Like every day, I pray for Avery and all of your family; what good news that she is finished with the chemo! Her other symptoms will hopefully lessen and her spirit improve! I know you are both just exhausted!!! God bless, and give that sweet girl extra hugs!!!
The last round of chemo is definitely something to celebrate!! Thank goodness that’s over!! 💕 She is such a trooper. Glad she’s getting some rest. Continued prayers for all of you. 🙏
Praying for success for Avery.