Wednesday, February 26th
Avery had a very restful night. She didn't wake during any vitals and slept until 10:15 this morning.
Her ANC was 1510 so she didn't require any Neupogen. She didn't require blood or platelet transfusions either.
We were able to increase her feeds to 45mL per hour this afternoon which allowed them to turn off the additional IV fluids she was receiving. They switched her Zofran to by mouth/tube, so the only time she has to have her line hooked up is when she is receiving her IV Benadryl. If things stay the course, we should be talking about going home in a couple of days.
She felt great all day and played hard. We did Legos, competitions, coloring, and she made slime again with Ms. Lindsay. She didn't stop for a nap today, so she should hopefully sleep well tonight.
We have still not heard the final results from her scans, but we are hoping it will be tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for:
- Clean scans
- Tolerate nutrition and medicines
- Going home soon
This is great news!! I love her sweet smile 😃😃😃😃. Continued prayers for all you listed and that home is soon a reality 💗