Tuesday, March 10th
Avery had a clinic appointment this morning and did great! Her platelets were 89 and her ANC was 1350, so she didn't need anything today. We have to go back Friday morning at 8am.
She is finally at her goal feeds rate of 56ml/hr. We are pausing her feeds for a couple of hours every morning though to allow her stomach to empty, and this has cut down on the vomiting. She did doesn't have much of an appetite, but every couple of days she is asking for something to eat. The further out we get from transplant, the more we expect to see her appetite increase. We are only having to give her Zofran once a day most days.
She continues to thrive at home and is enjoying every second of it! We've been getting back in to school work, and she has been knocking it out of the park. Math is her strong suite, and she is doing well in reading too. We hope her ANC will level out soon so we can start back with her homebound teacher . As long as nothing changes medically, she will be on track to begin 1st grade this Fall.

As you continue to pray for Avery's recovery and healing, please pray for some of our friends by name as well(this is by no means a complete list):
- Ford
- Easton
- Sawyer
- Madison
- Ali
- Bryleigh
- Destiny
- Gage
- Kenzie
- Alex
- Liam
Nothing but great news here and that makes me so happy! I am glad she is doing so well, and will include the list of friends in my prayers tonight. My heart breaks for each family as they face the fear and unknown of their situation! We serve a mighty God who has a better plan than any of us can know, and I trust and believe in Him and His plan!
God bless!
Avery you are looking so good!! Love that sparkle in your eyes. Getting to be home with sisters is great!! Glad you feel like doing your school work. Praying for all your friends your mom listed and their needs and our Father's healing touch for them. Thank you mom for update love and continued prayers
Avery and family so glad you are feeling better!! I was so happy to see your beautiful smiling face on my Facebook feed when I checked in this morning.
Praying for continuing healing and I also said prayers for friends! 😊
Avery, you look beautiful because of that gorgeous smile on your face! I LOVE THAT SMILE!! You are SO BRAVE!! Enjoy being home and most of all KEEP SMILING. You are loved and prayed for by me, Mrs. Jane, and Hundreds of people!! You are a Very Popular Girl in case you didn't already know it!!
God we thank you for hearing and answering the prayers that have been prayed for Avery and her family. Now we continue to pray for this family and please bless these others that need a special touch from you: Ford, Easton, Sawyer, Madison ,Ali, Bryleigh,Destiny, Gage,Kenzie,Alex and Liam. We ask you Father to touch each one of them and provide strength for today and hope and healing for these precious children. I pray this in the name of Jesus.