Tuesday, April 21st
Avery has officially graduated(I guess that is what you would call it) from Transplant back to our primary neuro-oncology team. We were so fortunate to have such as amazing team tending to her these past few months, and we will miss them dearly! As we were leaving clinic today, I told Dr. Haines "We will miss you, but we hope to never have to see you again". She completely understood the sentiment and agreed:)
Avery did wonderfully in clinic this morning. She got her port accessed like a brave girl with no fuss. Her labs came back quickly, and everything looked great as she continues to recover. Her platelets were up to 123 and her ANC was 1310. It has been over a month since she has had to have any kind of transfusion or medicine to help boost her numbers.
We should be hearing from our primary team in the next few weeks on when Avery's next appointments will be. We will still have routine lab checks(in Clinic 8), scheduled hearing tests(in addition to getting fitted for hearing aides), neuro-psych evaluations, and of course her MRIs and LPs.
We are so grateful to have made it this far in our journey. We recognize and have seen first hand that many other families are not so fortunate. For now, we will continue to live life to its fullest and truly appreciate each day we have together(even when we are driving each other crazy).

God bless you all! Thanking God for his blessings.
This is such good news! I’m sure there are a lot of things left to do but I’m praising God for this post ❤️
This is such good news! I’m sure there are a lot of things left to do but I’m praising God for this post ❤️
This is such good news! I’m sure there are a lot of things left to do but I’m praising God for this post ❤️
Oh wow! So thankful to know she is doing great. Many many prayers have been prayed for Avery and for your family. Prayers will continue that Avery will continue to feel great and enjoy being a 6 old and having fun with her sisters. We serve a great God and I praise Him for this wonderful report.