Tuesday, September 22nd
Avery has battled stomach cramps and nausea/vomiting since we made it home. It has made for some long sleepless nights for both of us. Despite that, we have enjoyed being home as a family and a small sense of normalcy.
Avery has spent most of her time in bed, but she has thankfully felt well enough to play some with her sisters. Her legs are extremely weak, so we have to help her anytime she gets up and moves.
We are still unsure as to what is the cause of her stomach pains. We are giving scheduled Zofran every eight hours. We also tried stopping feeds today and switching to Pedialyte. This has given her the longest stint of relief so far, but the cramps are not completely gone. Wednesday we return to clinic to check counts with the hope of being admitted to start chemo. It is unlikely that Avery will be recovered enough to begin this next round, but we are praying she will be. As much as we enjoy time at home, her disease is very aggressive, and we can’t afford any delays. It’s a very unnatural thing to want so badly to start something that will inevitably make your baby feel so terrible, but it’s the only option we have.

Please pray for:
- Counts high enough to begin chemo tomorrow
- Relief from stomach pains and nausea
- Rest
-Compete healing
Counts high enough to begin chemo tomorrow
- Relief from stomach pains and nausea
- Rest
-Compete healing
Father, needs that Avery has right now, praying in Jesus' name.
Beautiful little girl. Praying for a wonderful day. Always keep that smile.
God please be with Avery tomorrow and let her be strong enough to start her next FIGHT with this terrible C word. No matter how bad this little girl feels she always has a beautiful SMILE 😃 for everyone to see. God please heal Avery on this side. Love this strong willed child and she will Win her battle. She has such strong will to live. #brAverystrong
Praying that Avery will be able to begin chemo, relief from stomach cramps and vomiting. Complete healing
Praying her & family !!🙏🙏😘