Friday, October 30th
We've been home from the hospital for nearly a week and had a fully packed schedule. Avery has struggled with stomach cramps off and on all week. She is on full feeds but having to go NPO each night at midnight for sedation. We have been able to step her daily sodium supplements from 7 grams per day to 5 grams, and we hope to continue to decrease next week. We have had to give 3 injections of Neupogen this week due to her fluctuating ANC and WBC(White blood count).
Sunday - We went to ride bikes and visited the Botanical Gardens.
Monday - Avery went to clinic, and all of her numbers looked good. She did great getting her port accessed.
Tuesday - Family pictures and cookie decorating
Wednesday - Clinic where Avery received her weekly Vincristine(chemo) and platelets(because hers were low). We also carved pumpkins.
Thursday - Avery had her first radiation treatment. She did extremely well and didn't fuss any while being sedated or waking up. Treatment takes close to 45 minutes from the time they put her to sleep until they bring her back to me. I usually hold her for 20-30 minutes before she is awake enough to leave.
Friday - Avery had her second radiation treatment and did just as well as Thursday, We go into the room, and I sit on the table holding her with her head on my shoulder. They give her the "magic milk", and she is out within seconds. She has yet to shed a tear or even whine, and we are so thankful that she seems comfortable with the routine. The staff at UAB has been nothing short of amazing with us!
Avery has felt pretty good the first half of the day during radiation. Despite having to be at UAB between 6:30 and 7am, she has remained in good spirits. She arrives back home and is ready to play. She has even felt like doing some of her math work for school(her favorite subject). Like clockwork both days, she has started to get nauseous and have headaches between 3 and 3:30pm each day. Despite her scheduled meds, she has thrown up both days as well. She follows this cycle of sickness with a long afternoon nap. Nausea and headaches are both common side effects of brain radiation.
We are looking forward to a quiet weekend with a little fun mixed in!
Please continue to pray for:
- Minimal side effects from radiation(both short term and long term)
- Continued count recovery
- Reduced stomach pain
- Complete healing
I am happy that she has handled all this week so well, and I think being able to go home and be with her family and things has been 95% of that. She is an amazing little girl, and most adults would not have been able to process/take this treatment. I am so grateful for prayers that were answered, and I continue to pray for healing complete for God's little angel! Love to all and Happy Halloween to all the girls!
What a trooper you are Avery!!! So proud of you and how you are handling this next phase of treatment. You have 2 neat sisters playing dolls with you. Sounds like a full week, my granddaughters have been making cookies also. Love you, with my prayers for a fun weekend.
Prayers for this precious, brave little girl. Thankful Avery has had some very special time at home with her family. Her smiles would light up any room. God bless now and in the days ahead.
Praying that Avery feels better each and everyday!❤️❤️
🙏Continued prayers for Avery’s side effects to be minimal during the radiation treatments and complete recovery for her!