Avery has now completed 7 radiation treatments with 23 remaining. She is tolerating it as well as can be expected. She's been able to wean off her Gabapentin and reduce her daily sodium supplements from 7g to 3g. She continues to have daily nausea, vomiting, and headaches so they started her on a lose dose of daily steroids which have helped managed the side effects. Due to the remaining effects of her last chemo cycle paired with the radiation effects, we are already starting to see impacts to her blood counts. She had a full schedule this week:
Monday - Port access and radiation followed by a platelet transfusion in clinic. Due to her declining WBC count, we started Neupogen injections again.
Tuesday - Radiation and nightly Neupogen injection
Wednesday - Radiation followed by a clinic visit. She received her monthly Pentamidine which left her vomiting for an hour, followed by her weekly Vincristine(chemo) and a bolus of IV fluids. After a long nap, we made it home, and she was ready to celebrate her birthday! She received her nightly Neupogen injection as well.
Thursday - Radiation
Friday - Radiation followed by platelet and blood transfusions. Her WBC and ANC continue to drop, so we were advised to give Neupogen injections through the weekend. She ended the week with a 2 mile bike ride and by pulling her 5th tooth!
Avery continued to feel decent throughout the weekend. She is getting tired more easily and still having intermittent breakthrough nausea, but she still feels well enough to play and go outside.
She has radiation tomorrow morning at 7am followed by a 9am clinic appointment to check her counts.
Please continue to pray for:
- Minimal side effects from radiation(both short term and long term)
- Continued count recovery
- Complete healing
Praying that Avery’s needs will be met for complete healing.
Continued prayers, AVERY! I am so proud of you, and I am so glad you are able to be home while doing this treatment. Prayers that this week will be easier, and that all Mom's wishes come true!!!
God bless this precious, brave little girl and her family. Prayers for Avery as she continues her radiation treatments, for continued count recovery and for a miracle of complete healing.