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Let her sleep..for when she wakes she will move mountains

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Day 12 - Cycle 1

Sunday, September 22nd Our first night back in was a rough one. Between constant vitals, trying to get her to take meds, one vomiting...

Day 11 - Cycle 1

Saturday, September 21st We enjoyed a couple of good days at home. Avery started out strong, but we could tell her numbers were starting...

Day 8 - Cycle 1 - We are home!!!

Wednesday, September 18th Avery battled with some tummy issues most of the morning and decided to skip school. She cleared her...

Day 7 - Cycle 1

Tuesday, September 17th Overall, Avery had one of her best days yet while at the hospital. She got sick first thing this morning, but it...

Day 6 - Cycle 1

Monday, September 16th Avery had a much more restful night last night. We were up twice to go to the bathroom, but otherwise she slept...

Day 5 - Cycle 1

Sunday, September 15th Avery's stomach issues finally subsided right before midnight this morning/last night. She finally fell into a...

Day 4 - Cycle 1

Saturday, September 14th Today was a rough day for our sweet girl. Around 3:45 am she threw up and started having diarrhea. IV Benadryl...

Day 3 - Cycle 1

Friday, September 13th Today didn't look any different than yesterday medically wise. Avery received the same meds in the same order and...

Day 2 - Cycle 1

Thursday, September 12th Avery's first night inpatient was an uneventful one for her. The anti-nausea meds they gave her knocked her...

Day 1 - Cycle 1

Wednesday, September 11th We reported to Clinic 8 this morning to get out first cycle of treatment started. We had a full morning of...

Port Placement

Monday, September 9th We had another early start to our week. We left home at 4:50am to make it to Children's for a 5:30 check-in. ...

A Plan and a Timeline

Wednesday, September 4th We met with Avery's neuro-oncology team today to discuss the most recent test results and to discuss her...

Not the results we were hoping for

Friday, August 30th We had an early start to another long and emotional day. We were out of the house and on the road by 6:05am. Avery...

2 weeks Post-Op

Thursday, August 29th We are officially 2 weeks post-op now! It seems like a lifetime ago and also just like yesterday. Avery is...

Back into Routine

Tuesday, August 27th We are slowly getting back into the swing of things and reestablishing our everyday routine. As stressful as our...

A day of rest

Sunday, August 25 We began the day going to church as a family. One of us was going to take the big girls and give Avery the option to...

A day of Normalcy

Saturday, August 24 Avery had a great first night back at home! We all slept in(as late as you can at our house) which means we were all...

Going Home & Diagnosis

Friday, August 23 We had the most restful night so far since being admitted to the hospital. With the EVD out, there was no longer a...

Post Op Day 1

Friday, August 16th Our night in the PICU was by far one of the most sleepless nights we faced. Avery was not able to get up or move...

Day of Surgery

Thursday, August 15th I set my alarm early in order to shower before Avery awoke. It made no difference as we were both awake before the...

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Our Story

In August 2019, we received some news that no parent ever wants to hear - your daughter has a brain tumor.  This blog is to document Avery's journey for our family and friends to follow along.   Most importantly, though, when Avery is grown, I want her to be able to understand what a fighter she is and to know how very much she is loved!

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